
Multi Crop Harvester | Combine Harvester - Overview, Use

Multi Crop Harvester 

If we see the list of the best Farm Equipment then combine harvester appears on the top of the list. Harvester is the most popular farm implements around the globe. It is one of the great inventions in history that create a huge impact on our lives. Combine helps farmer diminishing the labor costs and time-consuming works. It performs various farming operations like reaping, threshing, and winnowing in a single pass.

Combine Harvester

How does the combine harvester work?

If we are thinking about crop harvesting harvester can be very helpful. It’s made up of about 21 various parts, including the header, the reel, the cutter bar, and more. The header is the main part of any combined harvester. This includes the pick-up reel, which pulls the crop in the cutter bar. Then the cutter bar cuts the crops down, which drives to a revolving reel—which gathers these cut crops.

These cut crops are them pushed into the threshing area, which very quickly separates the grains from the stalks. From here, the grains are then pushed into another bin, which eventually gets unloaded onto a truck. The stalks, on the opposite hand, are pushed back onto the bottom they were harvested from.

Which combine harvester is the best?

There is several popular brands that is manufacturing harvester but as per my personal experience, Fieldking combine harvester is one of the best from all of them.

Fieldking Combine harvester is a light-weight machine that reduces the earth's pressure and makes it suitable for operation in muddy and wet fields.

Its body is compactly designed which makes it a true compact-sized combine harvester for uneven, wet, and swampy, and small fields.

How did the combine harvester change the world?

Harvester perform various agriculture operations like threshing, winnowing, and grain reaping into a single step, it performs harvesting operation in such a manner that it saves operation time and human effort.

What is the use of Combine harvester? 

There are following use of combine machinery

  • A combine is used to harvester various crop grain from the field
  • Used to separate the grain from the straw and cleaning
  • Used to separate the grain and straw
  • used to collect the grain in the container
  • After the cleaning operation, it also uses to separate leftover straw and other field impurities

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