
Top Characteristics Of Low Resilience

Resilience can be defined as a state that depends upon levels of trauma or stress that you are facing in a certain time period. You can help yourself only knowing the common characteristics of low resilience and only then you can work on this by yourself or you can assist others in addressing their resilience. People have different types of characteristics of low resilience but here is some common one.

Top Characteristics of Low Resilience:

Irritability and Anger

If you find a person being quick to anger and irritability may be low resilience will be the reason. By rebuilding resilience a person becomes much more patient and collaborative.

Persistent Illness

If a person having a problem like the constant illness it may be a characteristic of low resilience. Since our immune system is lowered when our resilience is low, we cannot fight off the viruses or the bacteria. So this becomes very important to work on.

Trouble Sleeping

This is very common and the reason behind it can be others. But people with low resilience can have these cases very frequently. People try to ignore their low resilience problems and try to sleep better. With a high resilience, you can have a good night’s sleep.

Becoming Isolated 

A low resilience person mostly tries to seek isolation. Sometimes they become too dependent on family or friends. Socializing and making new friends can make a person more resilience.


Low resilience affects our hormones that cause mood swings. Low resilience person can experience intense highs and lows, sometimes numerous times a day.

Over Stressed

When a person having low resilience may easily get stressed in a normal situation. Sometimes small irritants become major problems for him or her.

Easily Depressed

People with low resilience may find often feeling sad a lot and cry more easily than they used to.

Poor Memory

People who have low resilience face poor memory. Once their resilience improved, they found memory power improving.

Lack of Hope

A person who is low resilience will always show a lack of hope and a vision for the future. Sometimes people may also find themselves taking needless risks or involve themselves in reckless behavior.
When you find these characteristics inside you or someone else you need to seek profession helps like a counselor. A counselor cares, and they want to see you at your best shape physically and mentally. Now you can get counseling online. Online counselling provides you help without leaving your comfort zone. You can get help for any type of problems related to mental health. So don’t hesitate Just get the help.
Image source: unsplash

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