
Motivational Quotes


§  The Sun rises in east, it sets in west. It is usual process. Life is simple. We complicate the thing and make it critical. Find the reason of smile in each and every thing of your daily life!
§  Good attitude starts a good day. 30 good days make a good month. 12 good months make a good year and the count of years make a good life.
§  Inspire yourself first. It will inspire your surroundings. Hence, you life will inspire the world.
§  Dependency is bad thing. When you are self-dependant, you shadow also leaves you.
§  Nothing is regarded as bad time or thing. Good thing become memories while the bad ones gives us lessons.
§  If we started loving our life, the lives also fall in love with us.
§  It is not a good thing to move in same page always. We need move to the next page. We need to adapt changes.
§  We should not fill our life with sadness and bad memories. It is short. Good thing can make it longer.

§  No life can be perfect but it can be beautiful if we fill it with good things.

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